The Priest Wilderness Trail, situated in Nelson County, Virginia, near Wintergreen Resort, holds a fascinating history that stretches back centuries. This rugged and remote trail winds through the scenic George Washington National Forest and offers hikers an opportunity to immerse themselves in the pristine wilderness of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
The history of the Priest Wilderness Trail is deeply intertwined with the region's Native American heritage. Before European settlers arrived, various Native American tribes, including the Monacan, lived harmoniously with nature in these mountains. The trail's name itself is believed to be derived from the Monacan chief, Ochomps, who was known as "The Priest" to early English settlers.
With the arrival of European colonists in the 17th and 18th centuries, the area surrounding the trail became part of the Virginia frontier. Settlers began to explore and exploit the vast natural resources, establishing homesteads and small communities. As they ventured further into the mountains, they often followed the ancient trails created by Native Americans, which later became the foundation for the Priest Wilderness Trail.
The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw an increase in logging and mining activities in the region, leading to the construction of logging roads that further expanded the accessibility of the area. However, it wasn't until the early 1970s that the Priest Wilderness Trail, as we know it today, began to take shape.
In 1975, the United States Congress designated the Priest Wilderness as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. This designation aimed to protect the area's natural beauty, biodiversity, and historical significance, ensuring that it would remain unspoiled and preserved for future generations to enjoy.
The Priest Wilderness Trail was subsequently established to provide access for hikers, backpackers, and nature enthusiasts to explore this designated wilderness area. The trail showcases the awe-inspiring beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains, featuring panoramic views, cascading waterfalls, and diverse wildlife.
Thanks to conservation efforts and responsible management, the Priest Wilderness Trail remains a cherished destination for outdoor enthusiasts seeking an escape into the heart of nature. Its proximity to Wintergreen Resort has made it an accessible option for visitors and locals alike, offering a different perspective on the natural wonders that Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains have to offer.
Today, the Priest Wilderness Trail serves as a reminder of the area's rich history and cultural significance, as well as a testament to the importance of preserving and protecting our natural heritage. As hikers traverse its rugged paths, they continue a tradition of exploration and appreciation that dates back to the early days of this remarkable region.
For those interested in exploring this captivating trail, you can find the location of the trailhead on Google Maps by following this link: The Priest Wilderness Parking Area